“Saturday Night Live,” the late-night NBC comedy-variety show now in its 50th season, generally prefers to mine its material from other people’s dramas and the conflicts of everyday American life — as it is presently doing with its weekly satires of
In 2015, Barack Obama submitted to interviews with three YouTube stars, one of whom was notable for eating cereal out of a bathtub. It was a moment that opened a window into the media landscape of the future, after the mainstream media as we have kn
Mirwaiz Umar Farooq Released From House Arrest After Four Years in September last year Photo: Getty Images Mirwaiz Umar Farooq Released From House Arrest After Four Years in September last year Photo: Getty Images Amidst the Assembly polls in Jammu
When you sit in a chair, lift a package off the floor or climb a flight of stairs, your body is doing some form of squatting, hinging or lunging. But just because you perform these movements every day doesn’t mean you’re doing them correctly. Whethe
You can’t miss these events for Holi Party 2024 You can’t miss these events for Holi Party 2024 This year, let’s not miss the ultimate Holi celebrations, as the festival of colors calls nothing less than a spectacular celebration. This day deserves
Jain Temples in India Jain Temples in India Mahavir Jayanti, a significant festival for the Jain community, is celebrated as the birth anniversary of Lord Mahavir, the 24th (last spiritual leader) Tirthankara of Jainism and the successor of Tirthank
Lord Mahavira Lord Mahavira Bhagwan Mahavira, the 24th and final Tirthankara of Jainism, was born in 599 B.C. in Bihar, India. In his early 30s, he renounced his family and royal status, forsaking all worldly possessionsphrich, even clothing, to emb
Must-Watch Animated Krishna Adventures Must-Watch Animated Krishna Adventures Janmashtami is a celebration of the birth of little Krishna across the world by the Hindu community. In a busy schedule, mothers find it hard to keep their children entert
Apple Apple Apple’s annual iPhone event is just around the corner on September 9th, and it's expected to bring a wave of new products. We’re set to see the iPhone 16, new AirPods, updated Apple Watches, and maybe even more surprises. But with new pr
The attacks changed the world and continue to affect the lives of those who were there and beyond. Photo: X The attacks changed the world and continue to affect the lives of those who were there and beyond. Photo: X The world witnessed one of the mo